Kenneth S Wuest (Former Greek lecturer of the Moody Bible College) states that the word, "Word" in John 1:1 is not used to indicate a verbal utterance, or something read, but that it is used as "the expression of the totality of a concept". That is, to represent something as a total idea in all that it represents. It is then more than words, but rather of a greater and a fuller observation requiring all our senses. In this case the concept expressed is a complete Personality.

------ Wuest.

The word "Word" here written with a capital W, therefore indicates God as the Subject.

Meaning, that if being used in this particular context, it implies the expression of a Personality. Which in this case is the Full Spirit Personality of God in totality, being expressed as all He Is.

This Personality is Christ (The Anointed One - The Spirit of the Father embodying and resembling all He is).

The Christ (or the embodiment of the Spirit of God in His totality as being the very Person of God), in the fullness of time, came to indwell Jesus, the Son whom He had created as a body (or a temple or house made ready for Himself to dwell in). Therefore Jesus became Christ (The one in whom God bodily came to dwell on earth).

Jesus, however, came not to keep the Gift of His Father's indwelling Spirit to Himself.  His aim was not to be unique (glorified), but to be of service to His Father, so you and I may also be granted the privilege to enter into the same Glory He shared with the Father.

Jesus yields Himself to become the sacrificial Lamb, offered by God in love for a broken world. So that through Jesus, becoming the Door into Gods Presence, everyone accepting His Sacrifice, would enter into the reality of life in the Living Presence of God.

So that as a result of entering in, they may receive the (Holy) Spirit of the Father, as He did, and so that they may become the new body (dwelling place, or home on earth) in whom Christ (The embodiment of God's Spirit) can dwell, and through whom He may be seen, and in whom He may reign.

In this wonderful conclusion to the life of Jesus, His Spirit-Inspired prayer is heard and answered by the Father.

Those who are in Him, yielded to the Christ in them, now walk in Union (in one accord) with the Father. United in His Spirit through the sacrifice of Jesus, and in Him they are knitted together in perfect Union and harmony with the Father, just He, Jesus was knitted together with Him on earth, as being the Christ (The one fully occupied with the embodiment with His Spirit Person and  His Living Presence).

Jesus then freely gives us His glory to become partakers of and to share.

The glory He shared with the Father.

The glory of being so filled and so embodied by His Person, that we are so interwoven in Him, that the world would see Him when they looked at us.

This is the ultimate plan and purpose for our salvation!

"Among whom we shine as stars in the universe".

We are called in service of being those who mirror His Presence and His Being.

- Johann van der Hoven 


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