The Process of Change is a Messy Business! A surgeon's operating table may be sterile, but it is certainly never clean! At best it is "messy"! A place where he performs open surgery to save and rescue his patients. A potter's wheel is never clean either, it is covered in clay and so is the potter's hands in pressing against the item he is fashioning. When it comes to our lives - being changed and formed, corrected and even rescued, is also never a pretty sight either. We sometimes find ourselves on God's operating table from time to time also, where He performs the much needed changes in us that will cause us to grow into greater dimensions of His Glory. The tools - circumstances, people and conditions He uses are many times "messy" and cause us to look and feel "messy" also. The end result in allowing Him to complete His surgery in us however, always produces something beautiful at the end. If things seem a little messy ...