No more playing church"

"No more playing church" ... or... "time to stop playing church" Have you heard this being said before? … and yet that is exactly what happens every Sunday when people come together "in church"! Now don't get me wrong - I am not referring to the actual meeting, which by all means may be sincere and Powerful in the delivery of the Word and in what happens there - I am speaking about the whole system as it presents itself where people "go to church" on Sundays to be "in the P resence of God" for an hour or two, and then "leave church" to carry on with their own lives, at their own pace, only to return to "church" next Sunday to meet with the Lord for another hour or two in His Presence. The whole thing is no more than "playing church", that's what this system teaches people to do, rather than BEING THE CHURCH, and to lead them into knowing that they ARE THE TEMPLE of the Holy Spir...