
No more playing church"

"No more playing church" ...  or... "time to stop playing church" Have you heard this being said before? … and yet that is exactly what happens every Sunday when people come together "in church"! Now don't get me wrong - I am not referring to the actual meeting, which by all means may be sincere and Powerful in the delivery of the Word and in what happens there - I am speaking about the whole system as it presents itself where people "go to church" on Sundays to be "in the P resence of God" for an hour or two, and then "leave church" to carry on with their own lives, at their own pace, only to return to "church" next Sunday to meet with the Lord for another hour or two in His Presence. The whole thing is no more than "playing church", that's what this system teaches people to do, rather than BEING THE CHURCH, and to lead them into knowing that they ARE THE TEMPLE of the Holy Spir...


PASTOR ... What would happen if you were no longer the "set man", but if you allowed the Holy Spirit to have the place of leading? What would happen if the meetings no longer revolved around you, and if you were no longer the central figure around which every meeting convened? What would happen if you offered yourself as a vehicle for the Holy Spirit to equip others to grow into becoming 'leaders' also? What if you willingly relinquished your position as the leader to allow the focus to fully fall on the Holy Spirit and allow Him to use you to raise up an authentic church fully equipped to be able to go out and fulfill God's heart and destiny in the lives of others? What if "church" was more than about getting together to hear you speak and lead services? What if you led people to gather around and to focus on Jesus only, to learn to hear Him speak to them individually and to learn to yield and to flow with His Spirit as He led the meetings? ...

The Cost Of Obedience To The Call - Johann van der Hoven

----- Understanding True Revival Ministry As A Reforming Message And The Cost Of Obedience To The Call - Johann van der Hoven. ----- Take a brief moment and have a look at the unique entries in this ministry JOURNAL … – Sunday, A.M May 5 - Preached in St. Anne’s. Was asked not to come back anymore. – Sunday, P.M. May 5 - Preached in St. Jude’s. Can’t go back there, either. – Sunday, A.M. May 19 - Preached in St. Somebody Else’s. Deacons called special meeting and said I couldn’t return. – Sunday, P.M May 19 - Preached on street. Kicked off street. – Sunday, A.M. May 26 - Preached in meadow. Chased out of meadow as bull was turned loose during service. – Sunday, A.M. June 2 - Preached out at the edge of town. Kicked off the highway. -------------- WHO WAS THIS ‘MAD’ PREACHER? Who in the world keeps such a failed record of meetings in his journal for others to read? Well dear friends, this is a page quoted straight out of the journal of the late dear...
THE SIGNS OF OUR TIMES  - False Christ’s, false signs, miracles, wonders, manifestations, supernatural demonstrations and doctrines of men and of demons. We have entered a new season wherein deception has become the order of the day. Gone are the days when it was “hidden in the closet” and easily recognizable and discern-able. Just like its sinful counter parts in the world that has “come out of the closet” and have now become a matter of “pride”, deception today has become the accepted standard and norm by which many in the religious institution are living their lives, and have found acceptance as the new standard of Christianity for many who are swimming along with the mainstream and are being swept along the tide of seeking an alternative gospel and a broader way to enter through the Pearly Gates.  "For such men are false apostles [spurious, counterfeits], deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles (special messengers) of Christ (the Messiah). And it is no wond...


" IT'S EVE !! " "The power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plan of God." - Smith Wigglesworth The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate  (it is her fault, she became the stumbling block for me to disobey You!). " - Gen 3:12 "If you want to be My disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison (You must love Me to such a degree in yielding yourself to Me, that the natural love you would have for others (and even for yourself), would seem to be as hatred, when compared to your love for Me, this includes those who are closest to you and most precious to you in the natural realm of this world ( I must be more to you than)  your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even as your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be My disciple." - Luke 14:26 There will be no one behind whom we will be able to hide ourselves o...
The Process of Change is a Messy Business! A surgeon's operating table may be sterile, but it is certainly never clean! At best it is "messy"! A place where he performs open surgery to save and rescue his patients.  A potter's wheel is never clean either, it is covered in clay and so is the potter's hands in pressing against the item he is fashioning. When it comes to our lives - being changed and  formed, corrected and even rescued, is also never a pretty sight either. We sometimes find ourselves on God's operating table from time to time also, where He performs the much needed changes in us that will cause us to grow into greater dimensions of His Glory. The tools - circumstances, people and conditions He uses are many times "messy" and cause us to look and feel "messy" also. The end result in allowing Him to complete His surgery in us however, always produces something beautiful at the end. If things seem a little messy ...
A short thought - LOOKING BEYOND THE OBVIOUS  Sometimes God uses ways to free us from the present and to direct us into the next season of our lives that are the least preferable to us. I am sure that Joseph did not enjoy waking up in the pit, having been rejected and cast out by his own brothers. The experience certainly must have hurt, and he would have preferred to have left in a much more dignified and meaningful way. Yet if it had not been for the pit, he would have never seen Egypt. Many times we tend to question our present experiences, and it may be that they are hurtful and cause us to wonder why they are happening and where God is in terms of rescuing and protecting us, without recognizing His very hand in the things we wish to run from! All the while guiding and leading us on to the new seasons He has prepared for us to know and to experience. Always remember that circumstances are temporal and many times used as temporary instruments guiding our eternal fu...